

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

my father

there are no words that can describe what my dad means to me. i have never met someone so traditional yet so open minded in my life. he is truly the funniest person i know. i'd like to say i inherited my weird sense of humor from him. he can go somewhere one time and then recall it by memory from then after. i'd also like to think i inherited that from him. i truly hope that one day elodie feels for her papa the way i feel for mine. we have done and still do so much together. i am so grateful we have you in our life.

thank you dad for taking me to see prince when i was a teenager. thank you for standing out in the cold and tying my ski boots for me. thank you for always being up for a hike, bike ride, snowmobile or snowboarding trip. thank you for supporting me wholeheartedly when i told you i was moving to france. thank you for reassuring me when things get hard. i always wondered how you had the energy to love me so much, give me so much. now as a parent i finally understand.

this poem always reminds me of you.

one of my favorite things in the world is when you wake me up for an early morning snowboard trip. it reminds me of all the times we set out on our cross-country camping trips before sunrise. the sound of you opening the door, saying my name and the feeling of shaking off sleep for an adventure is a part of my being.

happy father's day!

hunger island