

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

ten months with you

ten months with you

the whole time i was pregnant with francesca i joked that i would be perfectly happy if someone handed me a nine month old as that was when the fun really began. i am so grateful that i was able to experience all the months before now but i do still feel that nine months is the beginning of something really, really great. this month has brought her first word, first steps, first real kisses. i have been spending more time documenting these firsts in a written journal to her but couldn't help but also document it here. i am in love with this sweet girl. deeply besotted. people already say she is not a baby anymore (crazy) but this is truly the only place and time i want to be. right now with my ten month old.

i love you francesca.

in breath, out breath

in breath, out breath

disneyland family portraits

disneyland family portraits