

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

the hottest month

the hottest month

i've come to realize that while i love september nearly every place else, i'm not a huge fan of it in los angeles. it can be unbearably hot, glaringly white, and dusty everywhere. the clouds are strange. there are large packs of wild green birds that roam the sky during the hottest hours of the day, shrieking loudly and regularly waking up my sleeping babes. september should mean something else. the subtle shift from summer to fall. it has been anything but that here. so we wait. hide in our cool house. quietly play games, put together puzzles, and listen to sleepy records. we take refuge at the ocean and come home exhausted and sandy. tonight i sit under this harvest moon and reflect on this stubborn month. i know i'll blink and as soon as i'm done with these complaints the air will turn and i'll wish for warmth. i guess i'm just as fickle as september. 

disneyland family portraits

disneyland family portraits

the sweetness of childhood by emily ulmer

the sweetness of childhood by emily ulmer