

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

the ups and downs of eleven months

the ups and downs of eleven months

francesca and i took an early morning walk yesterday in palm springs while elodie was playing with friends at the match car pile (the kids were in heaven.) she would do a one leg crawl, stand up, take a few steps, boom. back down on the ground.





up to pick a leaf and take a curious taste.

down to inspect the tiniest piece of dirt.

she looked around to study the children whizzing by on scooters. claps and little squeals of happiness whenever a dog walked by with it's amused owner. clapping and squealing when she saw a dog being walked. it is amazing to see these building blocks from crawling to walking, from streams of sounds to words. she cut a new tooth this weekend which means her naps are shot. maybe twenty minutes and the nights are iffy, so she sleeps with me. nursing every so often. she grabs her teddy close and hugs it now. full mouth kisses for mama. her outward signs of love are so wonderful. i'm blown away by her becoming.

immunity boosters

immunity boosters

ergobaby adventure pt. 2: golden afternoon in pasadena

ergobaby adventure pt. 2: golden afternoon in pasadena