

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

the tooth fairy's first visit

the tooth fairy's first visit

we were at the dinner table two weeks ago all together as a family when you said "mama, i think my tooth is wiggly." i think your papa and i basically started tearing up at the table at the thought of this new passage.

while we were away on our trip you lost your tooth on september 6th, the day after my birthday (well, a family friend pulled it out as it was really close.) i have to admit i was so sad because i missed being there. i already had a felt tooth fairy pillow for you and wanted you to have it so we had the tooth fairy come the night i returned. luckily i got home by your bedtime and read you this passage.

this night it is a special night

as fairies dance upon the roof. 

all the fairies must alight,

for elodie just lost a tooth!

the fairy queen gives her commands,

twelve bright fairies must join hands

then together in a circle stands

to guard elodie while she sleeps.

the tooth fairy into the circle leaps

the hidden tooth she takes

ah, but has far to go

before elodie awakes.

three times around the world she flies

over valleys deep and mountains high;

skirts the storm clouds thick with thunder,

wings over waves all wild with wonder.

deep within their earthly homes

finally she finds the gnomes,

who upon the tooth must work

never once their duty shirk. 

some are hammering, hammering, hammering

some the bellows blow

others sweat at the sweltering forge

and then cry out, "heigh ho!"

the tooth's been turned into a shining stone,

a glimmering, glowing gem

the tooth fairy takes the gnomes' good gift,

and bows to all of them.

before the sun's first rays are shown,

she returns to elodie's bed,

with one more gentle wish

away she's flown again!

the tooth fairy brought you two gold coins and a little crystal. you were so excited and put the coins in your piggy bank and the crystal on your nature table.

i was a little sad when you were going to lose your first tooth but now you have a new wiggly tooth and i just can't help but be excited for you!

gather with you now all the magic you can carry

gather with you now all the magic you can carry

take me with you - montauk

take me with you - montauk