

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

Oh Where Have You Been Since the Last Time I found you?

Oh Where Have You Been Since the Last Time I found you?

yonder they come 

and how do you do?

oh where have you been since the last time i saw you?

rise up my friend 

and give to me your hand

you know you are the finest friend,

the finest in the land. *

at the beginning of june i decided to see what would happen if i took the summer off from my computer. yes, i was fortunate enough to be able to make that decision. we have structured our lives so that i could be with francesca and also elodie while she was on school break. the days were long and we road bikes, painted outdoors, stayed up way too late and had many, many adventures. i watched their legs grow longer and their language become more confident.

i watched these beautiful beings and they stood beside me, slept with me, braided my hair with sure little fingers, and made me laugh as i experienced a summer like none that will ever come again.

and now i am told that the summer must end. we have stepped back into the rhythm of a school year which is bittersweet for me.

elodie starts first grade and francesca starts preschool a few days a week. and that's why i have time to tell this story.

i decided that the free time i had this summer would be spent creating tangible things offline. that i would deepen my connection with myself and my family. and now i can come back and share these things. for myself, for you.

so rise up my friend and give to me your hand. off we go together.

* a song i learned from francesca's sweet waldorf nursery school

Apples, Apples

Apples, Apples

an afternoon at the nursery

an afternoon at the nursery