

Elizabeth Antonia is a mother, creative, and friend living in Los Angeles. Welcome to a window into my world. 

A Snapshot in Grief

A Snapshot in Grief

My mother left us one year ago. It feels monumental to have one year from the beginning of our grieving to now. And of course, Facebook gave me a memory from this time last year that is still relevant today.

Right now the sphere of my influence is drawn tightly around my home and these girls. Grief is a thing I never fully understood before this month. My mind is flooded, literally flooded with thoughts - time traveling into the past, present, and future. I am home. Right where I should be. Able to cry when I remember tender moments with my mother that had long been forgotten. I savor these memories of her and wish that others could see her as I do, especially those who knew her only near the end of her life. The other day a dear friend shared a quote from Sark "The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we're weak and sing with us when we're strong." And this is true...from fresh baked bread, to looking after my girls at a moments notice, to care packages, flowers, cards and phone calls...I am lifted up with love and care. May I also be able to return the favor in the days ahead. In so many ways, this is a tangible gift from my mother. The gift of sisterhood and loving with a servant heart. Thank you friends, I see my mother in you.

Dreaming in Swedish (part 1)

Dreaming in Swedish (part 1)

Interview on Mother Mag

Interview on Mother Mag